This chapter lists all common design principles valid for all microservices. Each microservice implementation may add specific rules and principles but overall rules are captured here.
Microservice Architecture
Originally coming from a more technically organized application layout, in 2016 the step was taken towards a microservice architecture. Each microservice focus on its own functional use cases, business functions and business value. The whole system encompasses around 15 different services that serve different purpose and that can be composed differently in end-customer projects.
OSGi was a great technology to built modular applications. One of the most important requirements on is the ability to extend in a flexible way and to get changes into production without downtime. The best successive architecture style after OSGi is te microservice style, it helps us to deploy changes easily and without downtime and to implement new features quickly.
Each microservice has its own set of database tables, either relational database tables or NoSQL collections/tables. Tables are differentiated by a naming pattern. Each table has a prefix that points to the owning microservice. All tables can be deployed into a single database, or in multiple databases or database schemas. This is a question of distribution and what need to be deployed where. Relationships between database tables of different microservices are forbidden.
It is absolutely fine to use one database for all the tables used in a system. It may also make sense to separate between database schemas, for example to separate WMS tables from TMS or BPMN tables. With this approach we do not get in conflict with the strict data separation enforced in microservice architecture style and still have the flexibility of different deployment forms